About Kluang
Founded in 1915 by the British to be the administrative capital of Johor, Kluang sits in the heart of the Johor within 90 minutes of all of the major urban areas. Home to some of the largest organic farms, it's industrial market is predominantly made up of tile manufacturers giving rise to its pseudo name "Tile capital of Malaysia". Ecotourism is another enterprise that has seen farms such as Kahang Organic Rice Farm and Zenxin flourish amidst its undulating hills. Landlocked, Kluang has the Mengkibol River running through the middle of the town, and the Sembrong River runs through the eastern area of the city. Its population of about 319,629 souls can be found exploring the Gunung Belumut Recreational Forest, taking a hike up the Gunung Lambak mountain or just getting creative in a coworking venue with likeminded folk.
There are 3 main hubs for tech/startup gurus in Malaysia, that of Kuala Lumpur and Penang with Johor silently bubbling away. The city has an entrepreneurial culture that is transparent with work colleagues mingling friendship with creativity and a generous attitude when it comes to sharing of ideas and knowledge. Startups are scattered throughout the area, and Johor does need more brave souls plus more support organisations to really bounce out of its brewing stage.
With many locals wishing to start something of their own, Malaysian entrepreneurship is very much alive, and there have been a few extremely successful startups such as Grab, Jobstreet, MOL and Airasia to come out of the country. With this in mind, it is little wonder that coworking venues are hives of activity and collaboration.