About Imst
Sitting in the state of Tyrol, Imst is perched on the Inn River about 50km from Innsbruck with a population of about 9,552. It received town rights in 1898 and is home to the carnival "Fasnacht" that is held before Lent and is listed by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. It's a time when masked characters cavort; men wear bells tuned differently and jump around in glorious abandon. Like many small cities in Austria, this is a city that conjures up images of soaring mountains, historical treats and the odd museum thrown in to keep the curious ones happy. The Alpine air must have plenty of creative ozone layers, as Austria has spawned the likes of Mozart, Strauss and Freud and is now being touted as having everything to offer the fledgling startups, including plenty of coworking spaces.
Austria is seen as an "emerging hub" where international young companies can have a dynamic ecosystem with plenty of exciting things happening in the financial area, as well as the political arena, for supporting startups. It's alluded to that the Austrian tech scene is young, fresh, mobile and attractive with one of the best qualities of life available in the world.
Austria not only has innovative souls hanging out in coworking venues, but plenty of meatballs dished up with piles of creamy mash potato to keep the hungriest soul in a happy frame of mind.