For years, the exponential development of technology has been making the business environment grow which, among others, resulted also in growing number of conferences dedicated to them. The conference that stands out from the rest and is definitely worth the attention of the players of the world of tech innovation is Wolves Summit. As its 8th edition is getting closer, we have decided to take a closer look at the event which in just couple of years became the must-attend for many investors, corporates, executives and startups worldwide.
What is the impact of a conference that claims to change the future of your company?
Here is one of the journeys that were made possible thanks to Wolves Summit, the story of Paul Bojarski and Sceenic. Paul Bojarski decided to join Wolves Summit in April 2015. He was looking for an opportunity to meet with other participants 1:1 in a different way than during a coffee break or lose networking spaces and back then Wolves Summit was the only event providing such value. Paul has not only appeared at Wolves Summit – he used this opportunity to the fullest: using a dedicated tool, he scheduled well-matched 1:1 meetings with relevant people and took part in the Great Pitch Contest, a pitching competition for selected startups. His ideas and entrepreneurial spirit lead him to victory. This is why he was noticed by appropriate investors and corporations and could develop his company. Participation in the event changed everything.
With the award from Microsoft Azure, we could easily release the service for an open audience. Through networking we got to know TVN Ventures, ProSiebenSat1 and some of the Wolves Summit organizers, Marek Piasek and Barbara Piasek. Barbara has helped us greatly with sales and our approach to clients. – says Bojarski – Thanks to new contacts to entrepreneurs and investors gained during Wolves Summit, we got an investment in Israel. After winning the Wolves Summit, investors looked at us differently. It was impossible not to notice how their interest have grown. Two months after winning, SayYeah got the “pre-seed” investment from Israel. Paul moved there for 4 months in June 2015. Together with the investor and CTO, they built the SayYeah platform. At the end of September 2015 from Israel, Bojarski flew straight to Chile, where SayYeah got into the Start-Up Chile program. The launch of SayYeah with Microsoft Azure took place. The result was 20,000 users in a month. Adapting to changing realities of the market, In May 2016, Bojarski made the decision to change the company’s activity from D2C (direct to consumer) to B2B (business to business) and updating its name to Sceenic. Thanks to such changes, in September 2016, the company received an investment from Parallel 18 from Puerto Rico and in following March Sceenic received an investment from NMA VC from Hamburg. Today, the company has its HQ in London. Europe remains the place where Sceenic has the most customers, Israel, however, remained the location for R&D. Paul Bojarski returned to Wolves Summit two years after his first success. In March 2017, he appeared on stage and shared the story of his company. He ensures that he will come back to the event more than once. For some it could seem surprising that one conference can change everything and move things forward so intensely, but this is exactly the power of Wolves Summit. Thanks to the formula of the event, Paul could count not only on the support of the organizers, but also mentors, investment funds and corporations. Wolves Summit connects young technology companies, investors and corporations. The organizers put much effort in changing the future of your company and Paul Bojarski and Sceenic are the perfect example of that. After just seven editions, the event is seen as the place for the people of the innovative ecosystem to meet other corporates, executives, investors and startups relevant for their business development, find investments and gain new valuable clients. The conference is permanently inscribed in the calendars of top entrepreneurs from around the world and so should it be in yours – the next edition is happening in Warsaw 23-24.10.2018, you cannot miss it!