In the current workplace, remote employees are becoming increasingly common. With more and more companies allowing their staff to work from home or other locations outside of the office, it’s essential to find ways to keep them engaged and motivated.

This article will focus on specific ideas that you can use to incentivize your remote employees and increase their performance, thus benefiting the whole team.

Best Employee Incentives for Maximum Team Performance

Here are the top incentives that will impact employee performance the most.

1. Reward Employees with Additional Paid Time Off for Completing Important Projects

Employers can provide their remote employees with extra paid time off (PTO) as a reward for completing essential projects. This incentive can help motivate and encourage hard work while recognizing the individual’s efforts and dedication.

This type of incentive works well for remote teams because it gives them a tangible reward that they can use to relax and recharge after a job well done. It also allows employers to retain talented employees by showing appreciation for their contributions.

In addition, providing additional PTO is usually less expensive than other rewards, such as cash bonuses or physical gifts, making it more cost-effective for companies on a budget. This means that employers can still show appreciation without breaking the bank.

A view of a coworking space.

2. Allow Remote Employees to Use Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces worldwide offer an excellent way for remote employees to stay connected with their coworkers and have more productive workdays.

Most coworking spaces offer high-speed internet, meeting rooms, kitchen access, and private offices. Coworking spaces also give remote workers a sense of community they may not otherwise get when working from home.

Use a site like Coworker to get a complete idea of the coworking spaces available to remote employees while reading associated reviews and comparing prices to get the best deal.

3. Give Employees the Option to Work from Home on Days They Need Focus Time

Employees need focused time to complete their tasks effectively, and being able to work from home allows them to minimize distractions.

Offer remote employees the option of working from home on days when they need extra focus time or require more privacy for personal reasons. Furthermore, this incentive doesn’t incur any costs and provides employees with a flexible schedule that will help them stay productive without feeling burnt out.

4. Use Gamification to Engage and Motivate Remote Workers

Gamification is a great way to engage and motivate remote employees. Employers can use these fun ways to encourage staff members to reach specific goals or complete tasks, thus increasing performance levels. Thus, it could also help company get more leads through employees. 

Examples of such incentives could include awarding points for completing assignments or tasks ahead of time, increasing the likelihood that employees will work harder and longer to reach their goals.

5. Provide A Stipend to Cover Internet Costs, Technology Upgrades, and Other Expenses Related to Working Remotely

People love the idea of remote work but aren’t keen on the extra costs that come with it.

Providing a stipend to cover the cost of internet, technology upgrades, and any other expenses related to working remotely helps employees feel like their employer values them enough to invest in their success. This can help boost morale and performance levels.

In addition, setting up a clear policy for this type of incentive ensures transparency between employers and employees, allowing both parties to understand the rules regarding such benefits.

A view of a coworking space rooftop.

6. Offer Annual Company Retreats or Team-Building Trips

What better way to show remote employees that they are appreciated than by offering them a chance to bond with their coworkers in a totally different environment?

Providing annual company retreats or team-building trips allows remote employees to connect with and build relationships with their colleagues outside the workplace. This could be in both virtual events, such as online game nights or physical getaways.

Organizing these events can help strengthen the sense of community and camaraderie within the workplace while boosting employee morale. It also encourages collaboration, communication, and creativity between colleagues, leading to improved performance levels. Online employee survey tool, you can map, track, and measure experience throughout their entire employment lifecycle.

7. Allow Remote Workers to Attend Conferences, Events, Webinars, and Workshops

Continued learning is key to personal and professional development, so employers should encourage and enable remote employees to attend beneficial training sessions – no matter how they’re held. These training sessions are not limited to a formal training related to the job field, it could also include other informal trainings like web developing with web hosting, or affiliate marketing. .

Encouraging workers to attend conferences and webinars shows that as an employer, you support their learning and growth. You could even get HR to seek out conferences and webinars for designers, developers, marketers and share them with the company. 

Another option is to encourage learning and knowledge sharing internally within the company. For example, you could encourage a senior software developer to prepare a knowledge sharing session. Help them set up the webinar on a webinar software that allows for participant engagement. Engaging knowledge sharing maximizes learning for everyone. 

Allowing remote (and non-remote) workers to network with other professionals in their field can open up new doors while providing them with valuable knowledge they can use in their daily work. It also shows that the company values its team members and is invested in helping them grow professionally.

8. Introduce A Mentor Program to Help Remote Employees Build Relationships with Other

Combining the experience of members that have been with the company for a long time with newer employees that bring in fresh perspectives can help inject new ideas into the workplace.

By including selected mentors in this program, employers can also help generational bridge gaps within their teams and foster collaboration and open communication. For example, mentors can help remote workers with time mapping. Which will increase employees’ ability for better time management. This will improve performance levels and make it easier for remote workers to adjust and thrive in their roles.

9. Use Public Recognition to Award Employees Who Go Above and Beyond

Public recognition is a great way to show appreciation for an employee’s hard work and dedication. For example, employers can recognize team members that have come up with innovative solutions or implemented successful strategies within the workplace.

Whether recognizing milestones or accomplishments on social media, providing certificates of achievement, or awarding gift cards or other incentives, making public recognition a part of company culture will show remote workers that their hard work is appreciated and valued.

This type of recognition also encourages other team members to do the same and fosters an environment where everyone works together to push the company forward. By prioritizing such recognition, employers can create an atmosphere where employees feel motivated and inspired to achieve more, month after month.

A woman working remotely.

Mistakes To Avoid That Kill Remote Employee Motivation

Here are a few no-nos when it comes to motivating remote employees:

Don’t forget to provide feedback. Remote employees need regular and honest feedback about their performance to improve and reach their goals.

Avoid micromanaging. Remote workers should be given autonomy to do their work without fear of constantly being monitored or criticized for every decision they make.

Don’t ignore the importance of clear communication. Establishing a solid line of communication with remote employees is essential, so ensure expectations are laid out from the beginning and any questions or issues are addressed promptly.

Avoid taking away freedoms. Remote workers benefit from flexibility, so it’s important they’re able to choose their own working hours and take the necessary breaks they need.

These guidelines will ensure remote employees remain engaged, motivated, and productive while working remotely. With proper support and recognition, companies can create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued as part of the team. 


When creating a productive environment for remote workers, these are just some steps employers can take to ensure employees feel supported and engaged within the workplace. 

With the right incentives, businesses can attract and retain long-term top talent and maximize productivity among their remote workforces.